Connecting land use and biodiversity is essential to understand the relationships between ecosystems and socio-economic systems, ecosystem services, and the potential risks and benefits to regional specialization and human welfare. Such topic calls for investigations on how human activities and global environmental changes affect terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, human well-being and public health, what are the feedback and the potential local and regional futures. In this context, the rationale of the conference is to bring together scientists and stakeholders from various connecting fields to address different effects of ecosystems changes, to set-up mitigation and adaptation strategies and contribute with scientific information to local/regional land use, planning and environmental policies.
Submission of Abstract: Extended to March 31st, 2017
Notification of Abstracts Acceptance: April 15, 2017
Registration: April 1st – June 1st, 2017
Conference Dates: September 11 – 15, 2017
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