How to improve biodiversity protection and socio-economic development in the Carpathians
After three intense and inspiring years, the Interreg CE project “Centralparks” is approaching its successful conclusion. The project will present its conclusive outcomes to the wider public at its final conference, titled ‘Transnational cooperation for the sustainable future of the Carpathian region’. The conference will take place from the 23rd to the 24th of March 2022 in Wieliczka (PL) and online-participation is possible!
The Centralparks project was launched 2019 to support nature protection and local sustainable development. It was created to improve integrated environmental management capacities and policies, as well as to mitigate current threats and pressures to biodiversity in the Carpathians. The project will bring down its curtains on the 31st of March 2022.
The project area
The Carpathians form a natural bridge between Western and Eastern Europe, stretching across eight European countries and holding tremendous ecological value. They contain a variety of valuable ecosystems and landscapes and are home to many native and endemic species. Carpathian protected areas harbour valuable forest, mountain, grass- and wetland habitats, as well as unique geological and geomorphological features. They also provide many services local communities benefit from and are important areas for local sustainable development.
The projects’s relevance
In the 21st century effective management of protected areas poses a key challenge for biodiversity conservation in Europe and globally. Despite varying conditions, protected areas face similar threats, many of which can only be efficiently tackled through transnational cooperation. Global environmental processes, such as climate change, invasive species, and various anthropogenic threats strongly pressure the Carpathian ecoregion. As a result of the Centralparks project implementation in the last three years, local pilot actions and Carpathian-wide strategies delivered and still deliver important findings to support long-term sustainable development in the Carpathians and beyond.
As a next step, using the results of the project, further collaborations with key Carpathian stakeholders are needed to proceed with implementing the developed documents and tools. So much has been achieved through the delivery of this innovative project, that has not only benefited the project participants, but the wider community as well. Projects like Centralparks have a key role to play in fostering good relations with local communities, which are essential for the creation of a sustainable future for the Carpathians.
Working together, within and between communities, to transform society and helping to build a shared future for all – this is the Centralparks way forward!
Hereinafter the registration link for the international hybrid conference ‘Transnational cooperation for the sustainable future of the Carpathian region’ –
The results of the project are available in different languages on the project’s website.
For press queries:
Hanna Öllös
Centralparks Communication Manager
European Wilderness Society