Blog Archives
Impressions after S4C Winter School 2022
In the 1-5.02.2022 S4C organised a Winter School Sustainable development in hot spots of nature and tourism in the Carpathians. Nine participants representing not only Carpathian countries met in Krakow on the hybrid session followed by field sessions in the Tatra Mountains and surroundings. Winter school teachers from Austria, Poland, …
S4C Recommendations for the Carpathian Convention
The Science for the Carpathians (S4C) network has provided Recommendations for the Carpathian Convention, targeted at the Secretariat, Convention Parties and Partners. The Recommendations are based on the main outcomes of the 6th Forum Carpaticum “Linking the Environmental, Political and Societal Aspects for Carpathian Sustainability”“Linking the Environmental, Political and Societal Aspects for …
S4C Interdisciplinary Winter School 2022
Science for the Carpathians is organising a Winter School 2022. The aim of the School is to discuss the topics of sustainable development of the mountain areas in relation to the tourism-related hot spots. In the Carpathians, as in many other mountain areas, high biodiversity meets with outstanding landscape values. …
“Can universities save our mountains? The role of regional scientific networks in the Carpathians and Caucasus” – invitation to webinar
The S4C network and the Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountainous Regions are co-hosting a webinar: “Can universities save our mountains? The role of regional scientific networks in the Carpathians and Caucasus” The webinar will take place on 29 October, 13:00 – 15:00 CET, in the framework of the tdAcademy …
Overview of sustainable practices for the management of mountain grasslands in Europe – a new report by Euromontana
Euromontana has just published a new report “Overview of sustainable practices for the management of mountain grasslands in Europe’. The report, available in English, French, and Spanish, gives a complex picture of what mountain grasslands represent in Europe in 2021 and their main challenges. It is also the analysis of …
New paper on natural disturbance mediated tradeoffs between biodiversity and carbon in Carpathians forests
Our S4C SSC member, prof. William Keeton was involved in the recently published research on natural disturbance tradeoffs between biodiversity and carbon in Carpathians forests. The paper describes both co-benefits and tradeoffs between carbon storage and biodiversity that are mediated at large temporal and spatial scales by natural disturbances. As …
Regional Dialogues for the Management of High Mountain Ecosystems
Join us in October (10/21) and November (11/18) to talk about the latest and most innovative experiences in the management of high-altitude ecosystems, as an appetizer for the celebration of the International Mountain Day in December 2021. This Thursday, October 21, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am (Quito, Ecuador time, …
6 Global Biodiversity Conservation Conference – The World after 2020: From Crisis to Biodiversity Conservation, 10-12th November, Prague
The 6th year of the GBCC international conference, which will take place on 10-12th November 2021 at the CZU in Prague, is devoted to looking back on the “covid” year 2020 as a surrogate moment in the current loss of biodiversity from the perspective of science and nature conservation. The …
Governance of Human-Wildlife-Interactions in Peri-Urban Landscapes – workshop and survey
Human–wildlife interactions (HWIs) have become a frequent phenomenon in peri-urban landscapes (PULs), making them arenas of human-wildlife interactions. There is a need to identify and implement effective governance approaches to avoid conflicts and alleviate the negative impacts of human-wildlife interactions in peri-urban landscapes. The workshop offers a platform for researchers, …