Landscape ecology and the covid-19 pandemics – webinar

IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group is inviting you to a Webinar – June 24, 15:00-16:00 CET
How can landscape ecology contribute to stop the spread of human diseases and to create safer environments for human communities?
The debate around the COVID-19 pandemic has raised several questions regarding how zoonosis are transmitted from ecosystems to humans, how diseases spread within human societies, over regions and across continents, and how effective are measures that countries and communities adopt to fight pandemics. Most of these issues have a strong spatial socioecological component.

Join us on a discussion organized by IUFRO Forest Landscape Ecology Group in this webinar, the first of a series dedicated to emerging issues in landscape ecology and society, with the contribution of outstanding scientists with a global and integrative perspective of science and society (see flyer attached).

Details: Webinar Landscape ecology and the covid-19 pandemics
24 June 2020 03:00 PM CET

The link to the zoom meeting and other details are as follow:

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