International Course on Wetland Restoration (Czech Republic 5 – 9 October 2020)

A 5-day international course will take place in the Czech Republic in Krušné Hory Mountains, Slavkovský Les Forest Protected landscape Area (PLS) and Šumava National Park (NP). Intended to be the second of a series of such courses organized within the Carpathian Wetland Initiative region, this course is based on the good practice of courses organized on both the national and international levels, promoting the understanding and establishment of communication and cooperation among various sectors – land-users, nature conservation, water resource management, agriculture and forestry.

Target group: Experts, scientists, biologists, project managers, project designers, technicians, farmers, employees who are involved in wetland, especially peatland, restoration, as well as to the personnel employed in state administration responsible for protection of nature, environment and sustainable use of natural resources associated with wetlands and shallow water bodies, and other relevant stakeholders.

Participants: About 16 representatives of the target group from Carpathian countries

Main topics of the course will be as follows:

  • Wetland restoration (meaning, possibilities, ways)
  • Experience with project preparation
  • Project evaluation

The programme includes thematic study tour to the sites with implemented projects on wetland restoration in Krušné Hory Mountains, Slavkovský Les Forest PLA and Šumava NP.
Participants will have the opportunity to see successful projects in situ and discuss phases of projects preparation and implementation as well as evaluation and suitable financial resources.

The course will be financially supported by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, the participants are responsible to cover their travel expenses (to the Czech Republic and back) and accommodation (ca. 250.- EUR for the whole duration of the course). The accommodation during the course is arranged by the organisers.

Deadline for application: 10 July 2020


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