How to better include mountain areas in the next programming period? A step-by-step factsheet for Managing Authorities

At a time when Managing Authorities are drafting their future Operational Programmes for the 2021-2027 programming period, Euromontana wants to stress the necessity to better consider mountain areas’ specificities and needs to address the challenges faced by mountain communities. Cohesion Policy must support the development of mountainous territories but our regions are too often forgotten when it comes to designing and implementing Operational Programmes.

To support Managing Authorities in targeting mountain territories’ needs in the next programming period, Euromontana published a factsheet providing guidance to Managing Authorities. This document aims at facilitating the work of Managing Authorities in all mountainous countries by giving recommendations on all steps of the design and implementation of Operational Programmes from the ex-ante evaluation to the monitoring of their implementation and the ex-post evaluation. The factsheet also provides examples of specific tools available for the development of mountain areas, such as the CLLD instrument, as well as pieces of advice to better coordinate the different existing EU funds.

The factsheet, available in English and French can be found here.

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