In these days, the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme (WWF DCP) celebrates its 20th anniversary and this is sufficient reason to summarise successes achieved. To reflect whole process that started years before WWF DCP establishment, the WWF and UNEP organised the symposium Changing environment. 30 years of environmental development in Central and Eastern Europe in Vienna on 8. November 2018. The event brought together a group of people from across the region and beyond that played both very direct and indirect roles in the development of the region, bringing together their insight as well as personal stories. Besides looking back, the symposium looked forward as well by reflecting current situation, recent processes and future needs and challenges.
The symposium included the Earth Award Ceremony – the WWF DCP awarded their partners International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and the Convention for the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathian Mountains (Carpathian Convention). Congratulation to the awarded organisations, congratulation to the WWF DCP to 20 years of invaluable work for protection of nature and environment in countries of Central and Eastern Europe! S4C wishes successful and fruitful future activities to the WWF DCP and their partners with clear benefits to nature and environment in the region